Research Projects
Mapping Optical Mocap Data

Victor B. Zordan, Nick Van Der Horst

One difficult problem specifically related to optical motion capture for skeleton-driven character animation is the non-trivial mapping of the markers moving in Cartesian 3D-space to a relative motion representation which is often defined by joint angles plus a body center or root. To accomplish the mapping, we attach virtual springs to marker positions located on the appropriate landmarks of a physical simulation and apply resistive torques to the skeleton's joints using a simple controller. Details can be found in the paper.

FIGHTING: This example shows an array of kicks, punches and elbow strikes as well as some upper-body blocking defenses. Motions include highly irregular, fast-paced motion and quick and subtle footwork and through the examples our system finds postures with believable joint angles for a large range of potential marker positions. WALKING: A second, walking example includes foot constraining forces and shows crisp footplants that are aligned with the original data. Using a foot constraint, the system automatically identifies when the foot is planted or not, re-orients the foot to avoid penetration with the ground plane, and applies friction forces to resist motion as appropriate.

Mapping Optical Motion Capture Data to Skeletal Motion Using a Physical Model
Zordan, V. B., Horst, N. C., ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 2003.
Paper Fighting Walking