Three files have to be provided for the final version of the paper: the printed proceedings version, 1/2 color page, and the electronic version for ACM and EG Digital Libraries. Additionally, animation and other files may be uploaded for inclusion into the DVD.

1) Printed proceedings version: Please format the printed proceedings version of your paper according to the guidelines in egauthorguidelines-sca05-fin-prt.pdf, that can be found in SCA05 paper style package. It should have the same number of pages as your original submission, unless the reviewers asked for additional information. In any case, the maximum number of pages is 10 pages.

Please set your page size to be A4 for the submitted pdf file. The provided LaTeX style files will automatically generate the correct device independent (.dvi) file, but some users (especially in North America) may find that their converters from .dvi may default to "letter" sizes, and need to explicitly specify the output paper type.

For example, with the popular dvips program, you would say
dvips -t a4 -Ppdf -G0 -o mypaper.dvi

Also, all typefaces must be embedded into the submitted pdf file -- see for details. If you cannot produce a pdf with embedded typefaces, we will accept your submission postscript file - although this is discouraged.

2) Color page: The SCA05 proceedings will be produced in the same way as SCA04 proceedings: the printed pages will be in grayscale, even if your original is in color. However, each paper is entitled to have 1/2 color page, that has to be provided as a separate document with the same caption as in the respective paper *and* with the same running header line. The publisher will gather all the color pages at the end of the proceedings.

(Note: Be sure all graphs and figures in your submitted paper communicate in grayscale.)

3) Electronic version: Please format the printed proceedings version according to the guidelines in the document egauthorguidelines-sca05-fin-electronic.pdf. In short, it follows the same layout as the printed version but, in addition, it allows hyperlinks in the reference section: each reference is followed by link(s) to the location(s) where it is cited. Also, optionally, additional multimedia material may be attached to the electronic version.

Additional files: As with submitted papers, for animations, we suggest that you use a publicly available cross-platform video format. The SCA'05 preferred video format is Quicktime MP4. Additional files should be uploaded to the online system.

Please submit your final versions along with additional materials at by June 1, 2005. Also, email your printed paper and color page pdf files to Stephen Spencer at

Finally, paper authors must fill out and submit a copyright form along with the camera-ready version of their paper.

COPYRIGHT FORM: The copyright form is to be sent only once a paper contribution is accepted but it is essential that all authors send their copyright forms in a timely manner, otherwise the proceedings will be delayed! Eurographics does not start printing before they have all copyright forms! You are required only to sign the Eurographics copyright form (one per contribution).

Here is the URL for the SCA05 Paper Eurographics Copyright Form

Send your completed, signed copyright form, on or before June 1, to:

Stephen Spencer
ACM SIGGRAPH Director for Publications
101 Allen Center, Box 352350
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-2350

(A fax sent to +1-206-543-2969 with Attn:Stephen Spencer is acceptable. If faxed, the original is not required!)


We will collect your final two-page description for each poster/demo and gather them in a separate proceedings that will be distributed only to SCA05 attendees. Please format your description according to the guidelines in the document egauthorguidelines-sca05-posters-fin-prt.pdf from the style file download. Your poster description should not exceed 2 pages including images and it should be in submitted in pdf format.

All typefaces must be embedded -- please see for details.

You may also submit one animation file that should not exceed 5 minutes. The poster description along with the animation file will be included in the conference DVD.

Please note, that for each poster there will be a 5 minute presentation at a special session of the symposium.

All posters and related material are due by June 1, 2005. Please email your final version to Include your pdf file as an attachment and a URL for downloading the optional animation file.

The format of the physical poster/demo is not rigidly defined and left to the author's discretion. But, they should be big and clear enough to stimulate discussion during the poster/demo session which is tentatively scheduled to take place on the first day of the conference.

There is no copyright form required for posters/demos. We assume you implicitly grant SCA rights to include your work in the poster proceedings by submitting your poster description (pdf) file. Poster proceedings will not be commercially available and your submission will not constitute "prior publication." Thus, you may freely re-use this material in other submissions.