For instructions on accepted work see: Instructions for Accepted Work

The proceedings of SCA 2005 will be available through both ACM and Eurographics digital Libraries. Due to the agreement between SIGGRAPH and Eurographics, the proceedings will be published in EG format and, to be included in the proceedings, you will be required to sign the Eurographics copyright form if your submission is accepted. (Form available below.)

Register with the on-line system to create your submission account:


For your paper submission, you will upload a pdf file to your account. Format information appears below. We recommend uploading the article and additional material early. You can always replace a previous upload by a new one; we consider the submissions only after the deadline.
Paper Deadline: April 22nd, 9PM PST

ARTICLE FORMATTING: The paper format should follow the guidelines in the provided style file. Download the paper zip style file here:

The style file contains all the elements for editing your submission with LateX. If you choose to not use LateX, you must strictly follow the format indication given in the file: egauthorguidelines-sca05-sub.pdf found in the zip download.

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Additional files for animation, images, etc. can be uploaded on your account up to a total submission size of 80 MB, including the article. You can provide only two files but if you want to submit more files you can do so as one .zip file. We advise you to avoid providing very large files, as it may be difficult to upload or download them.

For animations, we suggest that you use a publicly available cross-platform video format. The SCA'05 preferred video format is Quicktime MP4. We will accept all popular formats but we cannot guarantee that the reviewers will have access to an appropriate viewer.


Directions for final submission are available here: Instructions for Accepted Work


Like the papers, for your poster/demo, you will submit a pdf file to your account with the file format as below. This format is slightly different from the paper submission and the page limit on poster/demo submissions is two pages. Poster/Demo Deadline: April 26th

SUBMISSION FORMATTING: The format should follow the guidelines in the provided style file. Limit two pages. Download the paper zip style file here:

The style file contains all the elements for editing your submission with LateX. If you choose to not use LateX, you must strictly follow the format indication given in the file: egauthorguidelines-sca05-posters-sub.pdf found in the zip download.

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: As with the papers, additional files for animation, images, etc. can be uploaded on your account up to a total submission size of 80 MB, including the article. You can provide up to six files. We advise you to avoid providing very large files (over 10 MB) as it may be difficult to upload or download them.

For animations, we suggest that you use a publicly available cross-platform video format. The SCA'05 preferred video format is Quicktime MP4. We will accept all popular formats but we cannot guarantee that the reviewers will have access to an appropriate viewer.


Directions for final submission are available here: Instructions for Accepted Work